Hiring at scale 

powered by Conversational AI

Supercharge your hiring process, achieve 100% candidate engagement, and surpass recruitment targets with our powerful AI recruitment chatbots

Neuralday is your all-in-one
AI recruitment software

Leverage the power of conversational AI recruiting

Screen applications instantly

Our Conversational AI chatbot reaches out to all the candidates who have applied for the job roles all at once providing you a rich data set and pre analysis for hiring mangers to make initial decisions

Fill up vacant job roles faster

Quickly discover and connect with qualified candidates with the help of our recruitment chatbot, AI-driven candidate pre-screening and automated interview scheduling.

Boost candidate experience

Personalize communication with every candidate and maximize engagement at scale all the while automating repetitive work so that your recruiters can focus on the most important task – hiring the best talent.

Bias-free hiring for amplifying diversity

Drive meaningful change in your company by harnessing the power of real-time candidate analytics for mitigating bias and boosting inclusive hiring.

Empower your recruiters to become talent advisors

Neuralday’s AI recruiting platform automates the tedious and manual tasks of screening and scheduling so that your recruiters can focus on finding the right talent.

Establish standardized hiring metrics

Allow your recruitment team to make more informed decisions based on standardized and consistent hiring metrics, driven by our AI recruitment platform.

An Omnichannel Communication first Platform built for your hiring needs

Leverage the power of conversational AI recruiting

Screen applications instantly

Auto initial screen candidates instantly with help of our conversational AI chatbot, saving hours of manual calling by the recruiters

Quickly find high potential candidates

Unique insights into candidate profiles

Customize screening criteria

Automated Scheduling

Invite qualified candidates to automatically schedule interviews based on the hiring manager’s availability to save hours and hours of back and forth

Schedule shortlisted candidates

Integrate with Hiring Manager’s Calendars

Automate Last Minute Rescheduling

Engage candidates with AI chatbot

Available 24/7 across multiple messaging platforms, our AI chatbot funnels candidates into the right discovery paths and saves recruiters’ time.

Meaningful and human-like conversations

Asks necessary qualifying questions

Take control from the bot, whenever needed

Our recruitment Platform that does the talking between your ATS and Candidate

Leverage the power of conversational AI recruiting

Ritika Kohli is done with her screening round!

Disha Arora successfully scheduled his interview

Sahil Diwan has submitted his resume

Quick Integration with your ATS

Neuralday integrates seamlessly with your existing ATS or can perform as a standalone ATS helping you maintain your candidate pipeline and movement across the hiring process

Omnichannel Platform

Personalize communication with every candidate and maximize engagement at scale. Neuralday reaches out to the candidates where they are. We integrate with Whatsapp, SMS, Email, and Slack

Career Pages

Neuralday Conversational AI can integrate with your career page and work for your 24/7 to help you screen and schedule candidates, never letting your hiring pipeline go dry

Instantly pre-screen candidates

Our assistant recruiter eliminates the need to manually call  candidates. Instead, our recruitment chatbot shortlists candidates based on customized pre-screen criteria.

Streamline and automate interview scheduling

Invite qualified candidates to automatically schedule interviews based on the hiring manager’s availability to save hours and hours of back and forth.

Elevate your hiring strategy with in-depth insights

Our recruitment platform, powered by artificial intelligence, gives you access to unparalleled insights into your talent pool which you can in turn use to recruit top talent, retain top performers, and exceed diversity hiring goals.

Build something great

Let us do all the repetitive heavy lifting so you can focus more on something that matters the most - Candidate Experience


Reduction in Time to Hire


Screen all candidates


Candidate engagement


Hours saved per recruiter every week

Scale your hiring efforts with conversational AI

See for yourself how Neuralday's AI recruitment platform can help you and your team hire at scale

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